
The mission of Burning Man Project is to facilitate and extend the culture that has emerged from the Burning Man event into the larger world.
Burning Man Project will bring experiences to people in grand, awe-inspiring, and joyful ways that lift the human spirit, address social problems, and inspire a sense of culture, community, and civic engagement.

“I am burning myself up and will always do so.”
“If we contemplate those signal experiences in our lives that mean the most to us — such as falling in love, or discovering a true vocation — we often find that they exceed and transcend any rational standard. Perhaps the two most common things participants say about Burning Man is that it has changed their lives, and that it cannot be explained — one has to be there.”
~Burning Man founder Larry Harvey, 1948 – 2018 (Burning since 1986)

It is breathtaking, all the things Burners get up to in one year — the grand, the small, the public and personal manifestations of Burning Man culture in the world.
BUT first, let’s recall the astonishing feats that went into building Black Rock City 2022. Collectively, we restarted a mighty project to create our desert home. For so many, including all of us at Burning Man Project, no accomplishment during 2022 was bigger.
Thank you to everyone who believes in the significance of what we do together, and brings their whole self to work and create for days on end in an exceptionally challenging environment. That is love.
In 1986, the first Burning Man on Baker Beach was a simple gathering of friends. As word got out, creators and collectives joined this wild experiment and began to shape Burning Man into something more.
Today we’re a cultural ecosystem linking more than a million human beings.
Around the world our gatherings, cities and projects come to life and then disappear without a trace; what matters is not the physical but the human infrastructure.
Dream bigger, dusty friends. The world needs our capacity for human connection and creative expression more than ever.