Making Headway on Our 2030 Roadmap

Through shifts in how we power Black Rock City, we are making strides towards our 2030 goals to:

  • Handle waste ecologically
  • Be regenerative
  • Be carbon negative

Our Year Three Update shared progress toward our 2030 Sustainability Roadmap goals. We released an emissions inventory and convened a Carbon Dioxide Removal Call.

The Man and Man Pavilion were 100% solar powered.

“I remember standing on top of the Man Pavilion. There’s the solar array, and no generator running. lt went off without a hitch — worked immediately and never stopped.”

~ Paul ‘Blue’ Schreer, 20-year Burning Man Project staff member, Recycle Camp lead and Man Pavilion illuminator (Burning since 2001)

We tested a menagerie of solar plus storage systems:

  • 42 Baby Wookiee solar trailers powered 32 sites in BRC
  • 2 Unicorn solar generators — one powered the Man Pavilion
  • Icarus solar plus battery shade structures ran at the 360
  • 2 solar battery cubes powered BRC infrastructure
  • 1 rooftop solar system took the Black Rock Saloon off fossil fuels



A dream doesn’t become reality through magic.
It takes sweat, determination, and hard work.


A Dusty Laboratory for Changing the World

The Burning Man community collaborated with staff to implement hundreds of projects that green the way we burn.

Sustainability Trends in BRC

  • 40+ electric or human-powered mutant vehicles
  • 751 theme camps planned to be solar
  • 33% of funded art focused on sustainability
  • 112 biofiltration toilets
  • 2 carbon dioxide removal projects

Burning Less Art:

Only 4% of art is burned.

Resource Sharing:

96 camps formed 47 HUBS to share resources such as power and water.

Community-led Projects in Black Rock City

  • BLAST (Burner Leadership Achieving Sustainable Theme Camps) is a theme camp sustainability rating program
  • RAT (Renewables for Artists Team) teaches artists how to implement solar
  • IDEATE and Art Support Camp invited camps to bring food waste for composting
  • Net Zero BRC hosted community solar builds and alternative energy co-learning
  • Black Rock Labs hosted daily talks and tours on sustainability innovation